List of Assets can be represented as a worksheet in Excel, and the Properties as the column headers in that worksheet.
All of the Assets inside an Inspection will have similar property types, but with differing values.
For example, an Assetcan have an External Id, Tag, Name , GPS Coordinates, Serial Number properties, which will be different for every individual Asset.
Each Asset record has to be categorized by special properties: TypeandInspection type,which serve to connect the an Asset with the a Checklist.
For example, a safety inspection of electrical equipment in an office will contain Assets with types such as: Computer, Printer, Heating appliance, HVAC, Copy machine, Vending machine, Coffee machine. The Inspection type defines what kind of Checklist should be used (e.g. Visual inspection checklist, Detailed inspection checklist, Function test checklist) as it might affect which questions shall be asked.
In Cloud, the same information will be presented in the following way:<<< screenshot from web about the locations >>>>
Edit Asset Properties
Info |
Maximum length for Property field is 5000 characters. |
Info |
Visit Properties Configuration to learn how. |
It is also possible to add text files as Attachments to an Asset in order to provide the inspector with any additional information required to perform the inspection.
For example, you can attach a scheme of an Asset, access instructions, health and safety standards, operator’s manual or spare parts list.
Supported file formats for document attachments are: PDF, DOC/DOCX, XLS/XSLX, TXT.
<<screenshot with example of documents attached in location>>>
The images attached to an Asset are considered to be a unique type of attachments, specifically Photos. They are presented in the same tab as the text/document Attachments, but have a special treatment in Azenzus Inspection Manager.
As a Photo we consider any attachment with image file format (JPG/JPEG, PNG, GIF).
For every Photo added to an Asset user can see the following:
photo name
preview thumbnail of the Photo
comment (if available)
attach documents and image files of various formats to an Asset.
Visit Attachments to learn more.
It is a good practice to capture photos of an Asset during the inspection, as it may later serve as additional verification source for Asset data/confirms inspection of the correct Asset. The suggested list of photos that shall be taken for every Asset is:
general picture of an Asset
picture of the tag/identification plate (if any)
picture of a nameplate with a serial number, OEM info, etc.
additional pictures of the infrastructure related to the Asset (pipes, cables, insulation, switches, etc.).
The Checklist defines how to perform inspection on the Asset, which questions should be asked and which replies could be used by inspector to answer the question.