This article describes the main controls and navigation in Android version of Azenzus Inspection App.
The Home button always takes you to the app’s home screen from whatever tab, list or step of an Inspection you are.
❶ Home button.
Select an Inspection from the list at the top to start working.
Warning |
It is impossible to select several Inspections at once. |
❶ Inspection list.
❷ List of all LOCATIONS in current Inspection.
❸ List of all ASSETS in current Inspection.
❹ Currently selected Inspection.
When an Inspection is loaded and synchronized, Location list opens automatically.
❶ Location progress.
❷ Indicates the number of fully completed Assets / total number of Assets in a Location.
❸ Tap the middle of a Location row to open Location Properties.
❹ Last used Location is marked in bold.
❺ Tap > to open view Assets assigned to the selected Location.
Tap Asset / swipe left to open the list of Assets related to a specific Location.
❶ Asset Progress.
❷ Indicates the quantity of recorded failed Checks.
❸ Indicates the number of completed Checks / total number of Check Items per Checklist.
❹ Tap the middle of Asset row to open Asset Properties.
❺ Tap > to open the Checklist.
*The most recently updated Asset is marked in bold.
❶ Tap > on the right side of a Location row to open the relevant Checklist.
❷ Tap on a triangle on the right to open a dropdown and select a status for a Check Item
❸ Swipe / tap to open Attachments directly from the Check Item Details tab.
❹ Tap to enter your own comment regarding the particular Check Item condition details.
❺ Tap to select a comment from recently used ones.
When any of the above is selected, you will need to confirm to which exact Check Items the bulk complete action will be applied.
❶ Sets a status for the ALL the Check Items.
❷ Sets a status for the Check Items that have not been updated previously.
Follow the steps below to access general and advanced Inspection App settings.
❶ Tap the three dots menu at the top right corner of the screen.
❷ Tap “Sync statistics”.
❸ Tap “Settings”.
❹ Select a setting for further actions.