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Location List

After an Inspection is selected and successfully synchronized, the Location list opens automatically.


Visit article to learn more how to configure visible Title and Summary properties.

It is possible to search for Locations by text displayed in their Title and Summary.


Below is an example of how Location list with default Title and Summary looks like on Android in comparison to Azenzus Inspection Manager.


Add a Location

While being in Location list, open the three dots menu at the right top corner of the screen → select “Add Location”.

Fill in the Tag property field for the new Location.

Fill in the Name property field for the new Location.

This is how the newly added Location will look like in Location list on your Android device.
Synchronize the Inspection to make the new Location appear in Azenzus Inspection Manager as well.


It is possible to add new Assets to the new Location right away.


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rootAzenzus Inspection App
