It is possible to configure which exact properties of Locations / Assets will be displayed in the Title and Summary rows.
General Configuration
Configuration is available in Azenzus Inspection Manager only. Follow the steps below to configure properties display.
❶ Select an Inspection → go to ‘Settings’ (the gear button) at the toolbar to open configuration window.
❷ Configure Location properties:
use dropdown menus to select properties for display
press “Add Field” to add properties for display
press “Remove” to delete properties for display
❸ Configure Asset properties:
use dropdown menus to select properties for display
press “Add Field” to add properties for display
press “Remove” to delete properties for display
❹ Configure Location / Asset sorting.
❺ Press Save to update configuration.
Azenzus Inspection Manager supports maximum 2 property fields in Title / Summary.
Default Configuration
By default, Title and Summary in both AIM and Azenzus Inspection App are represented by Id and Name with no delimiter. Below is an example of default configuration of Location properties.
Custom Configuration
Below is an example of custom configuration of Location properties.
Azenzus Inspection Manager supports maximum 2 fields for Title/Summary.
It is convenient to divide different properties with a delimiter.
Locations and Assets are sorted by 1 single property.