Location Search
It is possible to search for Locations across the current Inspection by any property value, even those not displayed in Location Title & Summary.
❶ Go to Location list → tap on the search bar to open open keyboard and start Location lookup.
❷ Enter a partial / full Location title to search for matching Locations.
❸ Enter a partial / full Location summary search for matching Locations.
Asset Search
It is possible to search for Assets across the current Inspection by any property value, even those not displayed in Asset Title & Summary.
❶ Go to Asset list → press on the search bar to open open keyboard and start Asset lookup.
❷ Enter a partial / full Asset title to search for matching Assets across current Inspection.
❸ Enter a partial / full Asset summary to search for matching Assets across current Inspection.
❹ Copy + paste / enter manually a particular property that is not displayed in Asset Title & Summary to search.