Location List
When an Inspection is selected and successfully synchronized, Location list opens automatically.
❶ Indicates Location progress.
❷ Indicates the number of fully completed Assets / total number of Assets in a Location.
❸ Tap the middle of a Location row to open Location properties.
❹ Tap the “>” arrow button to view Assets assigned to the selected Location.
Location Title & Summary
Locations have the Title and Summary rows, displaying properties the same way it was configured in Azenzus Inspection Manager.
Visit Configure Visible Title & Summary Properties article to learn more how to configure visible Title and Summary properties.
It is possible to search for Locations across the current Inspection by any property value, even those not displayed in Location Title & Summary.
Visit Android: Search article to learn more about search options on Android.
Below are examples of how Location list appearance with both default and custom Title and Summary on Android in comparison to Azenzus Inspection Manager.
Default Location Title & Summary Properties Configuration
❶ Default Location Title & Summary properties in Azenzus Inspection Manager.
❷ Default Location Title & Summary properties in Azenzus Inspection App (Android).
❸ Default Location Title & Summary properties in Configuration window in Azenzus Inspection Manager.