Location List
Also I am missing following parts:
open location details (click on title)enter value in location details (any entry saved automatically)navigate from location to assets under location (arrow button in the right side)what does the numbers under right arrow means (how many assets with failures are there / how many assets are under location)progress indicator in the location recordbold font of the location title/summary marks the last location that was opened by user
When an Inspection is loaded and successfully synchronized, Location list opens automatically.
❶ Progress indicator in the Location record.
❷ Indicates the number of fully completed Assets / total number of Assets assigned to the selected Location.
❸ Tap the middle of a Location row to open Location Properties.
Values entered while editing Location properties are saved automatically.
❹ Last used Location is marked in bold.
❺ Tap the arrow > button to view Assets assigned to the selected Location.
Location Title & Summary
Locations have the Title and Summary rows, displaying properties the same way it was configured in Azenzus Inspection Manager.
Below is an example of how Location list with default Title and Summary looks like on Android in comparison to Azenzus Inspection Manager.
Add a Location
❶ While being in Location list, open the three dots menu at the right top corner of the screen → select “Add Location”.
❷ Fill in the Tag property field for the new Location.
❸ Fill in the Name property field for the new Location.
❹ This is how the newly added Location will look like in Location list on your Android device.
Synchronize the Inspection to make the new Location appear in Azenzus Inspection Manager as well.
Add Assets to New Location
It is possible to add Assets to the new Location right after creation.
Learn more about cloning and creating new Assets in Azenzus Inspection App: https://covizmo.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BADcig
Clone an Asset From Existing
❶ Select a Location → press the > arrowbutton to open list of Assets.
❷ Open the three dots menu at the right top corner of the screen → select “Add Asset”.
❸ In the “Clone from” section, swipe up to scroll the list with existing Assets → press on an Asset to select it for cloning.
❹ Checkmark if needed to:
Copy Checklist results
Copy photos
❺ Press “Clone” to finish.
❻ This is how the newly cloned Asset will look like.
Create an Asset Without Reference
❶ Select a Location → press the > arrowbutton to open list of Assets.
❷ Open the three dots menu at the right top corner of the screen → select “Add Asset”.
❸ Press “Create without reference” button.
❹ Fill in the Tag and Name property fields of the new Asset to continue.
❺ Asset Config popup → Checklist Type section → press on the Checklist Type dropdown to view and select other available Checklist Types.
❻ Asset Config popup → Asset type section → checkmark the Asset type to create from.
❼ Press “OK” to finish creating an Asset without reference.
❽ This is how the newly created Asset will look like.
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