Android: Asset
Asset list
Press “Asset” tab to view the list of all Assets in the selected Inspection or press the “>” arrow button on the right side of a Location row to open the list of Assets assigned to it.
❶ Indicates Asset progress.
❷ Indicates the quantity of recorded failed Check Item statuses.
❸ Indicates the number of fully completed Assets / total number of Assets assigned to a Location.
❹ Tap the middle of Asset row to open Asset properties.
❺ Tap the arrow > button to open the Checklist related to the selected Asset.
*The most recently used Asset is marked in bold.
Asset registration in the App
Imagine a case when during an inspection, you encounter a newly installed or an unregistered piece of equipment that requires immediate recording and inspecting.
Anticipating such situations, we have implemented Asset Registration functionality to Azenzus Inspection App. This feature allows you to clone Assets from existing or create new Assets without reference in a couple of seconds.
Decide if you want to create an Asset without reference or Clone from existing and follow the instructions below.
❶ Case 1: cloning an Asset from existing will allow the on-site technician to clone the whole set of Asset properties and fill them with values collected on the spot, thus simplifying data collection and data entry for the back office.
Another benefit is that cloning an Asset from existing will automatically copy the same Checklist questions as they were from the source Asset, thus allowing users to perform exactly the same inspection as they did for the other Assets of the same type.
❷ Case 2: creating an Asset without reference will create an “empty” record with only two fields: Name and Tag, it is suitable if proper classification and creation of Assets will be done by the back office support team and technician on site is required to add as many photos there and leave it to back office to identify Asset and register it properly in the system.
During the Asset creation process users can select a Checklist Type to identify what set of questions shall be applied to the newly registered Asset during the inspection.
Clone an Asset from existing
To save time, there is an option to clone an Asset from existing during the creation process.
❶ Select a Location → press the > arrow button to open list of Assets.
❷ Open the three dots menu at the right top corner of the screen → select “Add Asset ”.
❸ In the “Clone from” section, swipe to scroll the list with existing Assets → press on an Asset to select it for cloning.
❹ Checkmark if needed to:
Copy Checklist results
Copy photos
❺ Press “Clone” to finish.
❻ This is how the Asset will look like after cloning with checklist results and photos included.
Create an Asset without reference
❶ Select a Location → press the > arrow button to open list of Assets.
❷ Open the three dots menu at the right top corner of the screen → select “Add Asset”.
❸ Press “Create without reference” button.
❹ Fill in the Tag and Name property fields of the new Asset to continue.
❺ Asset Config popup → Checklist Type section → press on the Checklist Type dropdown to view and select other available Checklist Types.
❻ Asset Config popup → Asset type section → checkmark the Asset type to create from.
❼ Press “OK” to finish creating an Asset without reference.
❽ This is how the newly created Asset will look like.