Azenzus Inspection Manager main page is where you start after logging in and where all main tools are located.
It is divided into four panels: Toolbar (at the top), Location, Asset, and Checklist.
Depending on your account permissions, some features may not be available.
❶ - List of Inspections.
Select an Inspection from the list to access Properties Configuration.
❸ - Create an Inspection.
❺ - Report Manager.
❻ - Dashboard.
❼ - User Manager.
/wiki/spaces/IA/pages/2203058254is an object that groups Assets.
❶ - Location list (press to sort ascending/descending).
❷ - Location properties (click on the triangle to expand).
❸ - List of Assets (click in middle of the line to open).
/wiki/spaces/IA/pages/2203058272is the subject of your inspection.
❶ - Asset list (press to sort ascending/descending).
❷ - Asset properties (click on the triangle to expand).
❸ - Checklist (opens automatically when an Asset is selected).
/wiki/spaces/IA/pages/2203320392 is the list of evaluation criteria applied to an Asset.
❶ - Checklist (opens automatically when an Asset is selected).
❷ - Checklist Item.
❸ - Comment (press to expand / collapse / enter a comment related to the selected Checklist Item).
❹ - Checklist Item status (click to expand and select an appropriate status from the dropdown).
Help Center
Press the question mark button at the bottom of the page to expand Help Center.
Search for the relevant documentation and user guides.
❶ - Click on the question mark icon at the bottom of the page to open Help Center.
❷ - Use search bar to find the relevant articles and instructions.