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Table of Contents


Asset typically is a thing in the real world that is the subject of inspection and is characterized by a name, a set of properties and type.

An Asset is linked to a Checklist and can be found under a particular Location in Azenzus data structure.


Select a Location within an Inspection to view relevant Assets.

Tap Press anywhere in the middle of a Location row to open the list of Assets assigned to this Location.


Edit Asset Properties In Azenzus Inspection Manager

Select a Location → click on the Location row to open the list of relevant Assets.

Press the triangle button next to a selected Asset to expand and view its properties.

Double-click on the property field / press the pencil icon to edit a property.
The newly entered property / information is saved immediately.


Edit Asset Properties In Azenzus Inspection App

Tap triangle button next to a Location to open the list of relevant Assets.

Tap in the middle of the Asset row to open its properties.

Tap on a property field to edit. Press “Enter” on your mobile device keyboard to save changes.


It is possible to attach documents and image files of various formats to an Asset.
Visit Attachments to learn more.

It is a good practice to capture photos of an Asset during the inspection, as it may later serve as additional verification source for Asset data/confirms inspection of the correct Asset. The suggested list of photos that shall be taken for every Asset is:

  • general picture of an Asset

  • picture of the tag/identification plate (if any)

  • picture of a nameplate with a serial number, OEM info, etc.

  • additional pictures of the infrastructure related to the Asset (pipes, cables, insulation, switches, etc.).
