Android: Settings: GPS recording for Assets and Locations
Enable GPS manually on your device
❶ Go to your Android device notification panel → enable Location services.
❷ To allow the app to access GPS on your Android device, navigate to Azenzus Inspection App’s permissions and select "Allow only while using the app."
Enable GPS in the App
By default, GPS is enabled in Azenzus Inspection App.
If you need to enable GPS manually, follow the instructions below.
❶ Open “Settings” → select “GPS coordinates”.
❷ Toggle to enable GPS system to take coordinates of Assets.
❸ Toggle to enable GPS system to take coordinates of Locations.
GPS recording for Location
❶ Open “Settings” → select “GPS coordinates” → toggle “Enable GPS coordinates for Location”.
❷ Tap the middle of a Location row to open Location properties.
❸ In Location properties, find and tap the “GPS” icon.
Current Location GPS coordinates will be recorded instantly to the respective property field.
GPS coordinates property has to be pre-configured in Location and Asset sheets in your Inspection Import file.
GPS recording for Asset
❶ Open “Settings” → select “GPS coordinates” → toggle “Enable GPS coordinates for Asset”.
❷ Tap the middle of a Asset row to open Asset properties.
❸ In Asset properties, find and tap the “GPS” icon.
Current Asset GPS coordinates will be recorded instantly to the respective property field.
GPS coordinates property has to be preconfigured in Location and Asset sheets in your Inspection Import file.
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