Android: Search
You can search for Locations and Assets across a single Inspection or launch Global Asset Search across all Inspections loaded to your Android device using the search option in Azenzus Inspection App.`
It is possible to type a search request using voice input, for example, when you’re wearing safety gloves.
Location search
It is possible to search for Locations across the current Inspection by any property value, even those not displayed in Location Title & Summary.
❶ Go to Location list → press the “Search” icon to open the search bar.
❷ Enter a partial / full Location title to look up for matching Locations.
❸ Enter a partial / full Location summary to look up for matching Locations.
Simple Asset search
It is possible to search for Assets across the current Inspection by any property value, even those not displayed in Asset Title & Summary.
❶ Go to Asset list → press the “Search” icon to open the search bar.
❷ Enter a partial / full Asset title to look up for matching Assets in current Inspection.
❸ Enter a partial / full Asset summary to look up for matching Assets in current Inspection.
Global Asset search
It is possible to search for Assets across all the Inspections loaded to your Android device by any property value, even those not displayed in Asset Title & Summary.
To do so, follow the instructions below.
❶ Open the three dots menu at the right top corner of the screen → tap “Global Search”.
It is possible to launch Global Search from both Location and Asset tabs.
❷ Press the “Search” icon to open the search bar.
❸ Enter a partial / full Asset title or summary property text to look up for matching Assets across all Inspections loaded to your Android device.
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